
Showing posts from February, 2021

Nine Arches

The Nine arches bridge also called the bridge in the sky. It is a viaduct  bridge in Sri Lanka. It is  a one of best example of colonial – era railway construction in the country. The construction the of the bridge generally attributed to a local Ceylonese. P.K Appuhami in consultation with British engineers. Total length of the bridge is 91m. Total high of the bridge is 24m. Width with this bridge is 7.62.  Number of spans are nine. Brick and cement were used to construct . The nine arches from a viaduct between the Demodara and railway station. Built  entirely out of brick, rock, and cement without a single piece of steel. The bridge and the surrounding are has seen an increase in tourists due to the architecture of the bridge and the lush greenery in the hills nearby.  A large number of foreign and local tourist are see enjoying at nine arches bridge of Demodara. The bridge is one of the most iconic bridge in Sri Lanka and considered as one of the best examples of British railway co

Kandy Perahera Sri Lanka

  Kandy perahera/ Esala perahera is one of unique symbols in Sri Lanka. It is a grand Buddhist festival of the month of August held in Sri Lanka with elegant costumes. Dalada perahara held yearly since the 3rd Century B.C. Center of it all is the ‘Dalada Maligawa’ which houses the relic of the sacred tooth of the Lord Buddha. During the Perahera, the sacred tooth relic is carried around the streets of Kandy city by nicely decorated elephants to honor it. They are adorned with lavish garments. The Esala perahera is cultured by various cultural dances like fire-dances, whip-dances, Kandian dances and etc. Diyawadana Nilame has the responsibility of organizing the perahera and it is held on dates selected by him. Hours before the Maha Randoli Perahera, almost all the road sides, balconies, roof tops, upstairs windows and even roofs are jam-packed with spectators, both local and foreign. Kandy Perahera starting time is normally after the sunset, at around 6.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. in the eve


  Hopper is an authentic Sri Lankan cuisine prepared out of rice flour and coconut milk, turned out using a hopper pan. It looks somewhat like a pancake but certainly different and more exciting. Nibble into delicious, crispy egg hoppers and plain hoppers accompanied by dhal and chicken curry, so yummy it will just melt in the mouth.  Hoppers are the ultimate Sri Lankan staple. They are usually served for breakfast but can be had in the afternoon as well. Hoppers are usually accompanied by a bowl of seeni sambol and pol sambol.  The main ingredients in Sri Lankan hoppers are rice flour, coconut milk, eggs and a little secret ingredient that makes the edges extra crispy.To get hoppers you needed to go to the local eateries, the roti huts, and “hotels” as restaurants in Sri Lanka are often called.  Many hotels even have a live cooking station at breakfast producing plain and egg hoppers to order. Hoppers are cool these days and tourists seem more willing to try local food, so if you’re h

Vesak Festival

  Vesak festival is the most sacred day to millions of Buddhists around the world. It was on the Day of Vesak two and a half millennia ago, in the year 623 B.C., that the Buddha was born. It was also on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha attained enlightenment, and it was on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha in his eightieth year passed away. The teachings of the Buddha, and his message of compassion and peace and goodwill have moved millions. Millions around the world follow the teachings of the Buddha and on the Day of Vesak commemorate the birth, the attainment of enlightenment and the passing away of the Buddha. Vesak is considered as both a religious and cultural festival in Sri Lanka. Many temples get filled with devotees and pilgrims all over the country to mark this great event. In temples Buddhists worship, offer flowers, light lamps, and burn incense. These traditional observances, in essence, have their value in satisfying the religious and emotional needs of the people.  Bud

Galle Dutch Fort

  Galle fort is one of the best places to relaxing your mindset which full of wind and colonial atmosphere. Galle Fort is in the southwest coast of Sri Lanka and it was built first in 1588 by the Portuguese. The Galle Fort is attributed to the Dutch in 1640 and in 17 th century, this original stricter was almost entirely destroyed and rebuilt by them. Then it called as a Dutch Fort. The Dutch used the fort as their main base and improved it until capture by the English in 1796. It was constructed by the Dutch with two portcullises with massive walls of granite and coral with 14 bastions which had interesting names such as sun, moon, aurora, star etc. The fort to this day occupies a land area of 130 acres and it has been transformed into a place of history, romance and beauty where travelers are warmly welcomed to dive head first into the exotic stories and be a part of this heritage site.                                                                                     

Pickles (Achcharu)

  This interesting article is about pickles (Achcharu) a Sinhala Hela dish. Pickle (Achcharu) is a very popular Hela dish in Sri Lanka. Specially during the April New year season and during special functions. Also, pickles have medicinal properties. Pickles or achcharu as it’s known in Sinhala is a staple of Sri Lankan cuisine with its often-intense flavor being the perfect accompaniment for most meals. However, over the year’s pickles have evolved into something more than just another side dish with fruit-based pickles being some of the most loved street food in Sri Lanka. Also, these delightful pickles add the perfect flavors of spices and tang to our rice and curry dishes and is still relished all over the island by the old and young alike. Pickles are basically fruiting or vegetables that have been fermented in either an acidic or salt solution where fermentation takes place to create an environment that discourages bacterial growth, making it last longer. Throughout antiquity, pic

Sinhala and Tamil New Year

Most countries around the world mark the New Year on January 1st. Yet around the world, there are many calendars celebrating various days to welcome the New Year.. In Sri Lanka, new year celebrations start on 13th of April and end in 14th of the month. Sinhala and Tamil New Year. The biggest celebration in Sri Lanka that features a load of rituals and customs is one of the must things to experience in your holiday on the island. Based on the sun’s movement from the Meena Rashiya (House of Pieces) to the Mesha Rashiya (House of Aries) Sri Lankan welcomes the new year in April with a lot of firecrackers, fireworks and gourmet of traditional sweets…The Sinhala and Tamil New Year is also known as the Sun Festival, a practice held for hundreds and hundreds of years now to honor the God of the Sun. With such a long history, the festival is the best season to witness the core customs and rituals of Sri Lanka while enjoying enjoyable activities and traditional games that you cannot experience

Yala National Park

  Yala National Park, Sri Lanka Yala National Park is one of the largest national park and most famous wild life park, located in the south eastern region in Sri Lanka, with an area of nearly 378 sq miles and covers over two provinces of Hambantota district in southern province and Monaragala district in Uva province. The park is divided into 5 blocks and there are four gates to enter the park that is Palatupana, Katagamuwa, covering Blocks 1 & 2 and two gates at Galge on Buttala- Kataragama road, covering 3 & 5 blocks. Wild Life The park consists of light forests, grasslands, scrubs, tanks and lagoons. It is home to 44 varieties of mammal as well as 215 bird specifies. Among its, more famous wildlife residents of Yala, are the world’s biggest concentration of Leopards (Panthera Pardus Kotiya), Elephants, Sloth Bears, Jackals, Sambars, spotted dear, Crocodiles and Peacocks. Yala is one of the best places in the world for seeing Leopards and there are 40- 50 leopards. Sri Lan